Special Areas of Interest
• Men’s issues
• Identity and Authenticity
• Understanding and processing your story
• Faith issues
• Soul care
• Life transitions
• Career transitions
• Anxiety and Depression
• Experience of failure
• Self-Worth
• Shame Resilience
• Introvert acceptance and empowerment
• Family therapy
• Divorce
• Fathers and sons
• Fathers and daughters
• Liminal Space
• NDEs
As a man who has questioned his purpose, sought meaning throughout life, and held multiple careers, I understand the difficult journey many men travel in this postmodern world. Society expects us to be a man, but there is a lot of confusion around what that means today. It is a path that most men find themselves on, without a map. My journey has taken me across many different landscapes and wide-open spaces, both exterior and interior. If you’re ready, I’m offering to come-along-side to help you navigate your own best life’s path. People can accomplish amazing things when we put our heads and hearts together. I can help you discover/re-discover the hidden potential you have, by using a strengths-based approach to care, rather than a focus on diagnosis and pathology. I believe that we are all made in the image of a Creator God, and so the implications for our lives are beyond what we have imagined. Find your authentic self. Drop the mask. Love and accept who you are. I have a varied background with experience in sales, management, restaurant ownership, landscaping, and individual and family therapy. I graduated from Mississippi College with a MS in Counseling, am a LPC, and a National Certified Counselor through NBCC. I love music, the outdoors and am a Bob Ross superfan.